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First Step


“To close the gap between whites and blacks, it is critical to address these misconceptions and knowledge deficiencies” (Almario, et al. para 24) 


Educate Yourself

Although it seems like a simple initiative and one that lies in plain sight, it's important to educate yourself to be equipped with the right information. Knowing when to get the vaccine and the symptoms of the flu are great ways to prevent the spread of the flu, and help keep our community healthy. 

Encourage Others

It's important to encourage others to get vaccinated. In our busy lives its easy to forget to schedule a flu shot, but by not only showing your trust in the flu vaccine but also reminding others to get vaccinated, you can make a difference. 

Fight Misinformaton

Fighting misinformation is a crucial step in this process. By preventing the spread of misinformation you can fight stereotypes while breaking a cycle of vaccine hesitancy. Misinformation can include statements such as "This vaccine will give me cancer" or "I have already been sick I can't get it again." By rebutting these statements and sharing the facts with individuals you can help someone change their mindset on vaccines. 

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